Echium pininana ‘Snow Tower’ seeds


A stately echium which has pure white flowers.

In stock


Picture thanks to Plant World Seeds

This echium is a stately 4.5 metres high and the flowers are white. These seeds are open pollenated and will throw mostly white flowered plants with the occasional other colour. To keep only white flowering ones keep only the small plants with pale green stems and discard plants with coloured stems.

Sowing advice
Sow seeds in spring and summer. Sow 3mm deep into moist well-drained seed compost. Ideal temp. 21°C. Germination takes 21-45 days. When large enough to handle transplant seedlings to 8cm pots and grow on. Shelter over the first winter in a cool greenhouse, conservatory or well lit windowsill at about 7°C. Plant out the following spring with 90cm spacing.

Additional information


Hardy Biennial

Common Name

Viper's Bugloss



Maximum Height

approx 4.5 m

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30