Erysimum cheiri ‘Ivory White’ seeds – (Wallflower)


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This wallflower has very very pale cream to light yellow flowers. It makes an excellent cut flower since it looks good with almost every bouquet colour scheme. It is sweetly scented. Although technically it is a perennial, it is probably best treated as a biennial.

Sowing advice

Sow the seeds in spring and autumn on good quality seed raising mix in pots or trays, or they can also be sown direct where they are to grow. Cover the seeds lightly with mix, and keep moist but not wet. Ideal temperature is 20 deg C. Seeds should germinate in about 7-10 days . Transplant to 8cm pots when large enough to handle, and plant out after all danger of frost has gone.

Additional information


Hardy Perennial

Common Name



Brassicaceae, Cruciferae

Maximum Height

approx 45 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30