Gerbera jamesonii F1-hybrid ‘T & M Mixed’ seeds – (Barberton Daisy, Transvaal Daisy)


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These gerbera F1-hybrid seeds  are F1 hybrids and  make great indoor pot plants, and the large bloomed flowers are produced on strong sturdy stems. Here is what Thompson and Morgan say about them .They can also be grown outdoors in sheltered warm locations in the north of the NI. This is a mix of double and single petalled flowers. Colour ranges from reds dark and scarlet , through to  cerise and rose pinks, salmons , yellows through to creams , and white  .  The  gerbera F1 – hybrids seeds  grow quickly into healthy plants  and make a very good pot plants. They are easy to grow from seed.  They will take dappled shade as well as their favourite sun. They have large flowers and make excellent cut flowers.

Check out our californian giant gerberas as well

Sowing advice

Sow at any time of the year indoors.   Sow onto seed trays on  a well-drained,  sandy compost. Sow indoors as soon as you  receive them . Surface sow. Press the seeds gently into the soil until only the feather-head (the softest end)  of the seed is showing . A sunny window sill or glasshouse is ideal. Ideal temp. 20-25°C. Germination takes 2-3 weeks approx. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots and grow on. They like a cool, light , well ventilated spot.

Additional information



Common Name

Transvaal Daisy, Barberton Daisy



Maximum Height

approx 40 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30