Lathyrus odoratus ‘Erewhon’ seeds -(Sweet pea)


Out of stock


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This sweet pea is the first  sweet pea flower which has petals which are darker  than its standards. It was bred by our  great New Zealand Breeder Dr Keith Hammett.  The petals are dark purple and the standards are a light pink. It is very fragrant , and is an excellent cut flower, as well as being an attractive annual climber. Sweet peas are easy to grow and make a great show in the garden. You need something for them to climb up , a wigwam made of 4 or 5 stakes tied together at the top works quite well, or a trellis or similar.

Sowing advice

Sow the seeds in spring and autumn in soil which has been enriched with compost in the place where they are to grow permanently, or you can sow them in cell pots  or trays for transplanting later.  Cover them to their own depth with soil and keep them moist ( but don’t waterlog them.)  They should sprout in 2-3 weeks.  Keep a look out for slugs and snails , which love to eat them.



Additional information



Common Name

Sweet Pea



Maximum Height

Approx 2m with flowers

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30