Lilium martagon ‘Mixed’ seeds – (Turk’s cap lily)


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These pretty small flowered  lilies come in all shades : white, cream salmon pink rose yellow orange and wine-red.  There are sometimes purple spotted variations amongst these colours. They do best in well drained humus rich soil and prefer part shade. They make an excellent cut flower being dainty enough to suit most cut flower arrangement requirements. They flower in mid summer from December to about March.

Sowing advice
These seeds have delayed hypogeal germination. They require a little more attention and time than some seeds, but are very well worth the patience. They need to be given 4 months moist dark warmth, followed by 4 months moist dark cold (2-4 deg C)for germination to commence . So:
Fold an ordinary kitchen paper towel into 3 in alternating directions to give a towel of 6.3 * 11.2 roughly. Open the last fold of the towel .Now moisten the whole towel with water, so it is only just damp. On one side of the last fold place the seeds, and refold the paper towel over the seeds. Now place it in a ziplock snack bag or similar and seal. Keep in a dark place at about 18 deg C for 4 months, Check weekly to provide air movement . After 4 months move to 2 -4 deg C ( fridge will work) for 4 months. After this cool period small bulbs should have developed. Pot up the tiny bulbs covering with a 2cm layer of seed raising mix, and keep moist.  First leaves should appear in about 3 weeks.

Additional information



Common Name

Turk's cap



Maximum Height

approx 1.5 m with flowers

Number of seeds in packet

approx 20