Papaver somniferum ‘Flagship Orange’ plants


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These plants are in 8cm pots- just a few


This beautiful poppy, the Owairaka Seeds flagship flower, which we have had for many years, is a brilliant clear sunset orange, the harbinger of warmth to come starting its flowering in the lovely clear, cool, early summer mornings and brings the promise of all of the beauty of the New Zealand midsummer’s day, no matter where you may live.

It produces many beautiful clear orange blooms which appear in early summer and continue through into summer. Its abundant leaves are a healthy , smooth grey green, and they are slightly different in form from other somniferums, and the plant seems to be a bit more resistant to poppy fungus which attacks some of the other somniferums. It is best treated as an annual though has been known to survive Auckland winters.

As with all somniferums it produces abundant seed, and left to self seed, you will get a series of flowering plants throughout the summer and on into the late autumn – at least in northern areas of New Zealand.

If you are an admirer of poppies, this one is one of the plants that you will love , and must have , and you will not be able to find another poppy which is as beautiful nor as easy care as this one.

Additional information



Common Name




Maximum Height

Approx 100 cm with flowers