Pasithea coerulea – (Azulilo)


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This plant has amazing deep blue flowers ,  with very showy yellow stamens  and long pointed grass like leaves. The flowers are about 60 cm tall on strong wiry stems. It is an excellent cut flower which lasts well in a vase, as well as being a very pretty garden subject.

Seed growing advice

Sow indoors at any time, sow outdoors  in autumn or spring. Indoors, sow 5mm deep into moist, well-drained seed raising mix. Ideal temp. 18-22°C for 2-4 weeks then move to  +4°C for 4-6 weeks  ( fridge in northern areas) then return to warmth for germination, 5-12°C.

You can also  plant  them outside. Plant them into a tray cover to 5mm with seed raising mix , and with some cover such as glass over them. Leavet hem over winter and they sould appear in spring with the warmer weather.  Once seedlings emerge grow on in individual pots for at least a year before planting out.

Additional information



Common Name




Maximum Height

approx 60cm with flowers

Number of seeds in packet

approx 20