Salvia splendens hybrid seeds


A wonderful showy plant which blooms its heart out all summer and autumn long. It is easy to grow from seed and in Northern regions of New Zealand will grow as a tender perennial coming back each year to repeat its show stopping performance.

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This plant is larger than the normal dwarf bedding salvia splendens . It grows to approximately 1.3 metres and forms a nice compact bush. Although it is not generally considered to be frost hardy, it survives the few frosts we have in Auckland, growing outside with no protection. It is a magnificent bloomer, producing fiery red blooms all summer long and through the autumn into early winter. It finally gets somewhat straggly in winter especially if the weather has been cold, and it will die back somewhat. In milder northern regions of New Zealand, if given a light haircut in winter it will commence growth in spring and will flower for you when the weather warms. In colder regions it is probably best treated as an annual. It grows easily from seed , and it is one of the steady performers in the garden producing colour throughout the warmer months of the year. It makes an excellent container plant. It flowers in the first year from seed and if you plant the seeds under cover in spring, then they will bloom in summer for you..

Sowing advice

Sow seeds approx 4 -6 weeks before the last frost indoors in moist seed raising mix in trays or pots Dont cover the seeds as they need light to germinate, just press them into the soil. Ideal temp range to propagate them at is 18 -21 deg C. They will emerge in about 2-3 weeks.

Additional information


Annual, Tender perennial

Common Name

Scarlet Sage



Maximum Height

1 metre

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30