Sidalcea candida ‘Bianca’ seeds – (White Prairie Mallow)


This plant has delicate, tissue paper-like flowers which crowd slender upright stems to form a light pyramid, which looks like a miniature cluster of white hollyhocks. It is a lovely plant.

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This pretty plant is a graceful addition to the garden. It is used as a smaller version of a hollyhock. It has pure white 5 cm bloom which are densely packed on many long slender stems which rise about 70 cm high. The plant is quite compact only reaching about 50cm wide eventually.
It flowers in mid to late summer, and a group of these look very pretty. The plants have rounded leaves with 7 lobes. It likes full sun to part shade in moist but sandy, well draining soils.

Sowing advice

Sow in autumn, winter and early spring
Sow the seeds in seed trays or pots in good seed raising mix. Keep warm and moist at 18-22 deg C for the first 2-4 weeks. After this move to -4 to +4 deg C for 4-6 weeks. Then move to 5-12 deg C for germination.

Additional information


Hardy Perennial

Common Name

White Prairie Mallow



Maximum Height

90 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 20