Streptocarpus x Hybridus ‘Dragon Mix’ seeds – ( Cape Primrose)


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Streptocarpus seeds produce  an excellent indoor pot plant , and  this mix of seeds produces flowers in   a large range of colours including bicolours – (a few plain colours are pictured) . Streptocarpus seeds flower about 6 months from seed. They will withstand temperatures of about 12 Deg C in winter time, and so you can  grow them  outside in northern areas, unless it frosts in your area. For a pretty and rather unusual pot plant, try this one.  It quite likes a shady spot so long as it is still warm and will produce its lovely flowers even with a bit of neglect.  Here is what the RHS says about growing them

Check our other  plants which you can grow  in pots here


Sowing advice for Streptocarpus

Extremely small seeds careful!
Sow  in spring  and summer in trays or pots.  Sow onto the surface of moist seed raising mix . Don’t cover  or cover  very lightly , as they need light to germinate. Cover the pot /tray with plastic or  a glass tray to conserve moisture, and water from the bottom of the pot or use a water mister.  Take the cover off when the first seeds germinate.
Germination takes 7-21days at  about 20°C.Transplant when large enough.

Additional information


Tender perennial

Common Name

Cape Primrose



Maximum Height

approx 15 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30